Oh. My. God. Guy Carrying His Drunk Buddy Home Loses His Balance And Falls Directly Into A Goddamn ELEVATOR SHAFT

Je-zus Christ. Imagine being the sober friend in that situation? You're at the bar, see your buddy shit-faced so you offer to take him home only to fall into a goddamn ELEVATOR SHAFT? And you live to tell the story? Not only live, but walk away unharmed?!? What are the chances? I'm sure he knew his buddy was going to help break his fall but still, this had to have been the scariest moment of his life...






They basically got swallowed alive. If I'm him I'm killing my friend. Straight up capital murder. That or I'm buying a lottery ticket. The best part of this video is the second he was rescued he b-lined it out of there…

"Fuck it. I tried. You're on your own buddy!" 

Insanity. Let this video serve as a reminder to everyone to please be careful out there this weekend. Not to get too serious but life can change in an instant. Take care of yourselves. See you all on Monday! 

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